How to resume a Quick Config Setup deployment

If the infrastructure did not meet the requirements before starting the deployment or during the deployment process there is a connectivity error, electrical or any other type of error that interrupts it, it may fail.

When something has gone wrong while deploying your Flexxible|SUITE, you can still try to resume the process from the point it failed.

You can follow these steps to review the issue:

  1. Connect to your Control Panel on and go to Deployment details
  2. Get more information about the issue by analyzing the output and getting Flexxible IT Error Code (FEC).

  3. Read the information related to your return code and get tips on how to fix your issue.

Before retrying the deployment, we strongly recommend updating the control panel to the latest version (if any available). This will surely improve your environment settings and fix any possible misconfiguration.

You can follow these steps to update your Control Panel:

  1. Go back to your Control Panel:

  2. Under General tab, click Update button (its label can be “Check for updates” or “Update to version”):

After completing the update process (if there were any updates to be installed), your Control Panel is ready to resume the deployment.

You can achieve this by clicking on Resume QCS button from Control Panel or Deployment details:

Please note that you can try to resume the deployment as many times as you need until complete it.