Flexxible IT Error Code (FEC)


A Flexxible IT Error Code (FEC) is a unique value of fixed length that is used to identify generic errors of Quick Config Setup (QCS) and Control Panel (CP) applications. Their values remain constant across all QCS and CP version.

[FEC00001] Error connecting with XXXXX

Symptoms or Error information:

There was a connectivity issue. Please check that provided IP is reachable.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00002] Error setting location on the server

Symptoms or Error information:

Error when setting the current working location to a specified location.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00003] Error setting PATH on server

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error when adding the following path to the PATH environment variable:

  • c:\opscode\chef\bin
  • c:\opscode\chef\embedded\bin


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Resume deployment. If the error persists, complete the following steps.
  2. Connect to server IP through winRM:
    Enter-PsSession –Computername <ip_address> -Credential (Get-Credentials)
  3. Check the value of PATH:
    Write-host $env:path
  4. Add the opscode paths to PATH environment var if they do not show up exists:
    cmd /c setx /M PATH "%PATH%;c:\opscode\chef\bin;c:\opscode\chef\embedded\bin"

[FEC00004] Error when installing gem

Symptoms or Error Information:

There was an error when installing ruby gem acl on the server.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Resume deployment. If the error persists, complete the following steps.
  2. Connect to server IP through winRM:
    Enter-PsSession –Computername <ip_address> -Credential (Get-Credentials)
  3. Install ruby gems manually:
    Set-Location C:\opscode\chef\embedded\bin
    Start-process C:\opscode\chef\embedded\bin\gem.bat -ArgumentList "install knife-acl -v 0.0.12"

[FEC00005] Error when obtaining the hostname

Symptoms or Error information:

There was a connectivity issue and the request fails.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00006] Error mapping drive on the server

Symptoms or Error information:

There was a connectivity issue and the request fails.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00007] Error creating <filename> on server

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error when contacting with Flexxible IT services.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check internet connection.
  2. Check connectivity with Flexxible IT services (link ‘Network ports and requirements’)

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00008] Error getting node information of server

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error when contacting with Flexxible IT services.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check internet connection.
  2. Check connectivity with Flexxible IT services (link ‘Network ports and requirements’)

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00009] Error when creating the node

Symptoms or Error:

There was an error when contacting with Flexxible IT services. The automatic process cannot create a computer object with the correct information.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check internet connection.
  2. Check connectivity with Flexxible IT services (link ‘Network ports and requirements’)

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00010] Cannot create file C:\chef\file.pem

Symptoms or Error:

There was an error when contacting with Flexxible IT services. The automatic process cannot create a computer object with correct information.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check internet connection.
  2. Check connectivity with Flexxible IT services (link ‘Network ports and requirements’)

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00011] Cannot copy cert file to server XXXXX

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup cannot connect with the specified server.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check connectivity with the following servers:
    Ping with Compute nodes.
  2. Check connectivity with Flexxible IT services (link ‘Network ports and requirements’)

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00012] Cert file is empty or content is invalid

Symptoms or Error:

Every server is authenticating with a unique certificate. Generated certificate file has invalid information or it is empty.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Check internet connection.
  2. Check connectivity with Flexxible IT services (link ‘Network ports and requirements’)

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00013] Error when modifying acls on node XXXXX

Symptoms or Error:

The deployment process cannot change acls on Compute nodes.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00014] Error when executing chef-client on server

Symptoms or Error:

Compute node cannot execute the chef-client application.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Connect to Computer node through Enter-PsSession or locally with OOB
  2. Change path to C:\opscode\chefdk
  3. Launch ‘check-client’

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00015] Error when connecting with node XXXXX

Symptoms or Error information:

There was a connectivity issue. Please check that provided IP is reachable.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00016] Error setting PATH on server

Symptoms or Error:

Error executing chefdk because %PATH% doesn’t contain:



Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Connect to Computer node through Enter-PsSession or local with OOB
  2. Check if chefdk path exist on %PATH% ($env:Path)
  3. If not, you would like to please launch the following command:
    add: cmd /c setx /M PATH "%PATH%c:\opscode\chef\bin;c:\opscode\chef\embedded\bin"

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00017] Error adding data collector and ohai settings on XXXXX

Symptoms or Error:

The automatic process cannot add optimizations on client.rb file


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Connect to Computer node through Enter-PsSession or locally with OOB
  2. Check if client.rb has correct information:
    Get-Content C:\chef\client.rb
  3. Add the following content to the end of the file:
    data_collect.mode :solo
    minimal_ohai true

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00018] windows_nano::default

Symptoms or Error:

The automatic process fails when configuring Compute node.


Complete the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue (connect to the Computer node through Enter-PsSession or locally with OOB)

  1. Check if windows feature NET-Framework and RSAT-AD-PowerShell are installed
  2. MTU network configuration on Storage network adapters
    Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name "storage*" -DisplayName "Jumbo Packet" | Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -RegistryValue 9014
  3. Remove default IP address (192.168.50.X)
  4. Set Virtual hard disk path:
    Set-VMHost -VirtualHardDiskPath "C:\Data\vhdx" -VirtualMachinePath “C:\Data\vm"
  5. Setup DNS. Check that DNS configuration is correct. If you want to set it up manually:
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses {dns1},{dns2} -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (External)"
  6. SMBv1 is disabled.
    Detect: (Get-WindowsFeature -Name FS-SMB1).Installed
    Uninstall: Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name FS-SMB1 -Remove

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00019] Not in use

[FEC00020] windows_hyperv::default,

[FEC00036] windows_hyperv::smbdc02 or

[FEC00041] windows_hyperv::infra

Symptoms or Error:

  • The automatic process fails when creating infrastructure VMs.
  • In the case of Full and Mixed deployment, a new Domain Controller is being created (at that point Active Directory does not exist yet). If you are deploying Full Integration, created infrastructure VMs will be joined to existing Domain Controller.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00021] windows_activedirectory::default,

[FEC00026] windows_activedirectory::integrateaad,

[FEC00047] windows_activedirectory::customerdc or [ FEC00042] windows_activedirectory::existingcustomerdc

Symptoms or Error:

The automatic process fails when creating all Active Directory objects: Organizational units, accounts, groups, etc. Probably this error appears when the provided user does not have rights the needed permissions on Active Directory domain.

Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • FATAL:  RuntimeError: ruby_block[check if domain is already in use] (c:/chef/cache/cookbooks/windows_activedirectory/providers/forest.rb line 17) had an error: RuntimeError: Domain name is already in use! ERROR: Failed to execute command on X.X.X.X 

    The Active Directory provided name is duplicated and resoluble in the network.

Solution: Review your network and DNS resolution from IP address provided in the error. If there is another Active Directory Domain name with same value you cannot continue with deployment. Microsoft does not allow two Active Directory with the same name

After fixing the error, please resume the deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00029] windows_nano_ad::nano02 or

[FEC00030] windows_nano_ad::nano01

Symptoms or Error:

In this step, DNS configuration is performed in the compute node:

  • Full and Mixed deployment: the configured DNS is the resource domain
  • Full integration: the configured DNS is your Active Directory servers.

After this action, the compute node is joined to Active Directory domain and a reboot is performed.


Check if the performed configuration is correct. If not, configure it manually and resume the deployment:

  • Configure DNS servers:
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses <dns1>,<dns2> -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (External)"
  • Join the computer to Active Directory domain:
    djoin /requestodj /loadfile C:\data\share\odjblob01 /windowspath c:\windows /localos

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00022] Cannot establish a connection with the machine through the port.

Symptoms or Error:

In the case of Full and Mixed deployment, a new Domain Controller is being created, but it is not possible to contact it through the port shown.


Please, check network connectivity and resume deployment (link ‘Network ports and requirements’).

[FEC00023] Not in use

[FEC00024] windows_activedirectory::grouppolicy or

[FEC00027] windows_activedirectory::customergrouppolicy

Symptoms or Error:

The automatic process fails when importing Group Policy Objects on the Active Directory resource domain (Full and Mixed deployment scenarios). Quick Config Setup downloads files from Flexxible IT private repository*, import them and configure them with correct values.

*You can review public URLs on ‘Network ports and requirements’ article


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00025] windows_nano_ad::default or

[FEC00028] windows_nano_ad::remotejoin

Symptoms or Error:

QCS try to create “offline domain join” files but the process fails. In this step, blobs files are generated and distributed to compute nodes.


Check that provided credentials can create blob files (only Full integration deployments):

djoin.exe /provision /domain "yourdomain.local" /machine <computernode01> /machineou "OU=Infrastructure,OU=<base_OU>,DC=yourdomain,DC=local" /savefile C:\Temp\FLX\odjblob01

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00031] Execution of windows_smbfs::prepare

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails in creating File Server VM and its basic configuration.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00032] Execution of windows_smbfs::default

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to apply Windows firewall configuration, installing Windows features.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00033] windows_s2d::prepare

Symptoms or Error:

During this step, the following actions are performed in both compute nodes:

  • Install windows features: RSAT-Hyper-V-Tools and RSAT-Clustering
  • Add Flexxible IT VDIServices accounts to the local Administrators group


Check if the preformed configuration is correct. If not, resume the deployment.

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00034] windows_s2d::create_cluster

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup was configuring compute nodes before configuring Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) configuration. Some actions are applied during this step:

  • Clearing disks before adding them to S2D
  • Perform failover cluster validation before creating the cluster
  • Create the failover cluster
  • Delegate OU to Active Directory computer object

Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: powershell_script[validate test-cluster results]

    Review the report file created by Failover cluster on C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports\Validation Report*.htm

  • FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: powershell_script[test cluster]

    Review report file created by Failover cluster on C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports\Validation Report*.htm

  • FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: powershell_script[create cluster]

    The following error can appear in error message:

    STDERR: The clustered role was not successfully created. For more information view the report file below. Report file location: C:\Windows\cluster\Reports.

    Check the HTML file and fix errors.

  • Error executing action `run` on resource 'powershell_script[create cluster]'

    STDERR: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\<some_file>: Cluster creation failed with error:




    Contact with Flexxible IT support.

You can generate perform a failover cluster validation by yourself with the following command:

Test-Cluster -Node "<node01_ip>","<node02_ip>" -Include "Storage Spaces Direct","Inventory","Network","System Configuration"

After fixing the error, please resume the deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00035] windows_s2d::default

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup was configuring the failover cluster witness (Azure) and the configuring Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) at the time. Some actions happened during this step:

  • Create Azure witness
  • Create Storage Spaces Direct
  • Create Volume

Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • Error executing action `run` on resource 'powershell_script[Create Storage Spaces Direct]'

    No disks with supported bus types were found to be used for S2D. Run cluster validation, including the Storage Spaces Direct tests, to verify the configuration.

    Please, run cluster validation. You can find out more information in FEC00034.

  • Error executing action `create` on resource 'directory[C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\Templates]'

    There was an error creating Storage Spaces Direct or virtual disk (volume). Check if C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1 exist.

After fixing the error, please resume the deployment.

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00037] Execution of windows_sofs::shares

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to create all shares and applying for its permissions.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00038] windows_activedirectory::preparedcc

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup failed when configuring power plan (performance).


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00039] windows_activedirectory::secondarydc

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup was configuring the failover cluster witness (Azure) and configuring the Storage Spaces Direct (S2D). Some actions applied happened during this step:

  • Create Azure witness
  • Create Storage Spaces Direct
  • Create Volume

Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::Reboot: Rebooting server at a recipe's request. Details: {:delay_mins=>1, :reason=>"Restarting the computer after Domain Controller promotion"}

    Reboot request was sent to the server, it was applied but the connection was interrupted before closing the request.

  • Error executing action `installadditionaldc` on resource 'windows_activedirectory_forest[create secondary dc]'

    The following error can appear in the log message:

    Verification of user credential permissions failed. An Active Directory domain controller for the domain <domain_name> could not be contacted.

    Please, check that connectivity between domain controllers and check credentials.

After fixing the error, resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00040] Not in use

[FEC00043] windows_activedirectory::forwarderdefault or

[FEC00049] windows_activedirectory::forwarderdefault

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup fails when creating DNS forwarder on ‘Resource domain’ Active Directory.


Please, check the network connectivity and credentials between ‘Resource domain’ domain controllers and ‘AD Intregration’ domain controllers. After the re-established connection is re-established, resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00044] windows_activedirectory::forwardercustomer or

[FEC00050] windows_activedirectory::forwardercustomer

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup fails when the DNS forwarder is being created on ‘AD integration’ Active Directory.

Full deployment or mixed can be affected by this error.


Please, check that network connectivity and credentials between ‘Resource domain’ domain controllers and ‘AD Intregration’ domain controllers. After re-established connection is re-established, resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00045] windows_activedirectory::customergrouppolicy or

[FEC00051] windows_activedirectory::customergrouppolicy

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup fails when importing Group Policy Objects (GPO) on ‘AD integration’ Active Directory. Full deployment or mixed deployment can be affected by this error.


Please, check that network connectivity and credentials between ‘Resource domain’ domain controllers and ‘AD Intregration’ domain controllers. After the re-established connection is re-established, resume deployment.

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00046] windows_hyperv::customerdc

Symptoms or Error:

The automatic process fails when creating ‘AD integration’ Domain controller VM (Full Deployment only).


Check connectivity with ‘AD integration’ Domain controller IP with provided credentials. Resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00048] Execution of windows_sofs::resources

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails downloading Flexxible resources and applying its permissions.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00052] windows_activedirectory::trustedrelationship

Symptoms or Error:

The automatic process fails when creating a trusted relationship between ‘Resource domain’ and ‘AD integration’ Active Directory domains.


Check the connectivity between all Domain Controllers with provided credentials. Resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00053] windows_sofs::default

Symptoms or Error:

This step is installing the requirements of following steps. During this step, the following actions are performed in both compute nodes:

  • Install windows features: Failover-Clustering, File-Services, and FS-ResourceManager.


Check if the performed configuration is correct. If not, resume deployment.

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00054] windows_sofs::role

Symptoms or Error:

In this step, the Quick Config Setup adds the Scale Out File Server role (SOFS) to an existing Failover Cluster.


Check that performed configuration is correct. If not, resume deployment:

Get-ClusterGroup -Cluster <cluster_name> -name <sofs_name>

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00055] windows_sofs::shares

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup was configuring shared folders in the Scale Out File Server (SOFS). Following resources are configured:

  • Profiles and UserData (UPM/FPM requirement)
  • VMMWitness (System Center Virtual Machine Manager Cluster Witness)
  • ISOS (repository)
  • BackupSQL: repository where SQL backups are saved

Deployment fails with following error:

  • FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::MultipleFailures: Multiple failures occurred

    the following error can appear in the log message:

    STDERR: The resources must be online on the same node for this operation No matching MSFT_SMBShare objects found by CIM query for instances of the ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/SMB/MSFT_SMBShare class on the CIM server: SELECT * FROM MSFT_SMBShare WHERE ((Name = <resource_name>)) AND ((ScopeName = <sofs_name>)). Verify query parameters and retry.

    Check that resources are configured in SOFS. Run Get-SmbShare in one compute node and review that the following resources show appear:

    • Profiles
    • UserData
    • VMMWitness
    • ISOS
    • BackupSQL

After fixing the error, resume deployment.

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00056] windows_sofs::remotegpos or

[FEC00057] windows_sofs::gpos

Symptoms or Error:

The automated process fails during ‘Configuration - Profile Management (UPM) – Apps’ GPO configuration in ‘AD Integration’ Active Directory.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00058] windows_dhcp::default

Symptoms or Error:

The automated process fails during the DHCP configuration.


Review the provided DHCP information is correct.

Check network connectivity between ‘Resource domain’ Active Directory and Quick Config Setup VM.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00059] Execution of windows_sqlserver::prepare in primary VM

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails in creating SQL VM, applying Windows firewall configuration, installing Windows features.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00060] windows_smbworker::prepare

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup deployment process fails with this error code. Some binaries and third-party software are downloaded in this step.

STDERR: The client could not finish the operation within the specified timeout. HTTP Status Code: 408 - HTTP Error Message: Partial Content


Check internet and network connectivity and network connectivity between Flexxible IT|Orchestration server and Quick Config Setup VM.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00061] windows_activedirectory::delegateou

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup deployment process fails when configuring delegate OU.


Check network connectivity between ‘AD integration’ Active Directory, ‘Resource domain’ and Quick Config Setup VM.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00062] windows_smbworker::download

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup deployment process fails with this error code. Some binaries and third-party software are downloaded in this step.


Check internet and network connectivity and network connectivity between Flexxible IT|Orchestration server and Quick Config Setup VM.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00063] windows_smbworker::default

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup deployment process fails when configuring Flexxible IT|Web server.

This error can appear in a log message:

No error - CreateProcessAsUserW (You must hold the 'Replace a process level token' permission)


Check internet connectivity and network connectivity between Flexxible IT|Web server and Quick Config Setup VM.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00064] windows_sql::prepare

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup deployment process fails with this error code. Some binaries and third-party software are downloaded in this step.


Check internet connectivity. Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00065] windows_s2d::create_clustervmm

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup was configuring System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) cluster.

Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: powershell_script[validate test-cluster results]

    Review report file created by Failover cluster on C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports\Validation Report*.htm

  • FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: powershell_script[test cluster]

    Review report file created by Failover cluster on C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports\Validation Report*.htm

  • FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: powershell_script[create cluster]

    The following error can appear in error message:

    STDERR: The clustered role was not successfully created. For more information view the report file below. Report file location: C:\Windows\cluster\Reports.

    Check HTML file and fix errors.

  • FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: powershell_script[create Quorum Cluster for <cluster_name>]

    Check network connectivity between Virtual Machine Manager server and all compute nodes.

  • Error executing action `run` on resource 'powershell_script[create cluster]'

    STDERR: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\<some_file>: Cluster creation failed with error:




    Contact with Flexxible IT support.

You can generate launch the failover cluster validation by yourself with the following command:

Test-Cluster -Node "<scvmm_server>"

After fixing the error, resume the deployment.

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00066] windows_sql::default

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup was installing requirements and configuring the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) cluster.

Deployment fails with following error:

  • Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Command Line utilities -- Setup is missing an installation prerequisite

Please, review if Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Command Line is installed in that machine. To install it, you can run the following commands:

C:\PS>$ArgumentList = "/i C:\temp\FLX\sqlncli.msi /qb /passive IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES /norestart /l* C:\temp\FLX\SQLNativeClient.log"
C:\PS>$IntallProc = (Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -Arguments  $ArgumentList -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode
C:\PS>if ($IntallProc -eq 0) {Write-Host "The installation was successful." -f Green} else {Write-Host "The installation failed." -f Red}
  • Error executing action `install` on resource 'windows_sql_server[SQL_server_actions]'

STDERR: End output of D:\Setup.exe /Q /ACTION=Install /FEATURES=SQLEngine /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /SQLSVCACCOUNT=<netbios>\<gmsa_account> /AGTSVCACCOUNT=<netbios>\<gmsa_account> /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=<netbios>\SQLAdmins /INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER /UPDATEENABLED=False /SQLSVCINSTANTFILEINIT=True>C:\Temp\flx\sqlcommand.log returned -2061762559

This error shows there are issues with <gmsa_account>. Please, review if the account exists and run the following command in SCVMM server:

C:\PS>Test-ADServiceAccount -Identity <gmsa_account>

After fixing the error, resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00067] “VMM installation task” running failed to check unsuccessful after maxmax number of retries or 

[FEC00068] VMM installation task did not finish after maxmax number of retries

Symptoms or Error:

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) installation task failed. You can find more information in scheduled tasks and SCVMM logs (%SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\VMMLogs).



Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00069] windows_sql::install_rollup

Symptoms or Error:

Installation of System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) Update RollUp fails. This can be caused by:

  • Network connectivity issue when download downloading Update RollUp
  • Error when creating installation tasks
  • Stopping Failover Cluster of SCVMM


Connect to SCVMM server and following steps:

  • Check if Update RollUp exists: C:\Temp\FLX\ sc2016_vmmserver_amd64.msp
  • Review if InstallRollup task exist on Scheduled tasks
  • Check that SCVMMService is stopped

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00070] VMM installation task running check unsuccessful after max retries or

[FEC00071] Roll up installation task did not finish after max retries

Symptoms or Error:

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) RollUp installation task failed.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00072] windows_sql::finish_vmm

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup was configuring System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM). The following action was performed:

  • Delete installation tasks created in previous steps
  • Start VMM Service
  • Create logical networks
  • Add compute nodes to VMM

Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • Error executing action `run` on resource 'powershell_script[Start VMM Service <scvmm_role>]'

    STDERR: An error occurred while attempting to bring the resource 'VMM Service flxscvmm' online. The resource failed to come online due to the failure of one or more provider resources

    Start SCVMMService manually. If the error appears, please find out information in the Microsoft knowledge base.

  • Error executing action `addhostcluster` on resource 'windows_sql_vmm[adding objects to SCVMM]'

    STDERR: A cluster with the name <cluster_name> does not exist. (Error ID: 13802)

    SCVMM shows an error when adding compute nodes. Follow the next steps:

  • Check if cluster exists. Run this command in Domain Controller:¨
    Get-Cluster -Name <cluster_name>
  • Check network connectivity between compute nodes, SCVMM server and Active Directory.

After fixing this error, resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00073] windows_ctx::prepare

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup deployment process fails with this error code. Some binaries and third-party software are downloaded in this step.

STDERR: The client could not finish the operation within the specified timeout. HTTP Status Code: 408 - HTTP Error Message: Partial Content


Check internet and network connectivity and network between Flexxible IT|Orchestration server and Quick Config Setup VM.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00074] windows_ctx::default

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup deployment process fails when:

  • Installing XenDesktop software
  • Distributing XenDesktop snapins to Flexxible IT|Web server and Flexxible IT|Orchestration
  • Installing SCVMM Console and Roll up


Check internet and network connectivity and network between Flexxible IT|Orchestration server and Quick Config Setup VM.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00075] VMM roll up console installation task running check unsuccessful after max retries or

[FEC00076] Roll up console installation task did not finish after max retries

Symptoms or Error:

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) Roll Up installation task failed. You can find more information in the scheduled task (InstallRollup) in SCVMM server.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support

[FEC00077] windows_ctx::xdconfig

Symptoms or Error:

In this step, the Quick Config Setup configure the XenDesktop farm and the Storefront. The following actions are performed:

  • Configure XenDesktop site configuration
  • Configure Hosting Unit configuration
  • Install XenDesktop license file installation
  • Import XenDesktop policies
  • Install Storefront installation
  • Configure Storefront configuration
  • Configure Storefront branding configuration
  • Configure XenDesktop database connection strings configuration in the farm.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support

[FEC00078] windows_ctx::vdimanager

Symptoms or Error:

In this step, Flexxible|SUITE binaries are downloaded to create the database.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support

[FEC00079] windows_smbworker::xdsnapins or [FEC00085] windows_smbweb::xdsnapins

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup fails when installing XenDesktop snap-ins in Flexxible IT|Orchestrator (a.k.a Worker).


Check if package files are in C:\Temp\FLX folder. Resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support

[FEC00080] Execution of windows_backupsql::default

Symptoms or Error:

This step is configuring a backup task that performs a database backup and copies it to \\<sofs_name\backupsql

Deployment fails with the following error:

  • Error executing action `create` on resource 'windows_backupsql_create[windows_sql SQL backup]'

System Error Message: The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.

Check the trust relationship between the server and the Active Directory.

After fixing the error, resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00081] Execution of windows_sqlserver::prepare in secondary VM

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails in creating SQL VM, applying Windows firewall configuration, installing Windows features.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00082] windows_smbweb::prepare

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails when downloading Flexxible|SUITE binaries from internet repository.


Check internet connectivity. Resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00083] windows_smbweb::download

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails when copying the Windows Server iso file. This is a Windows feature requirements to save internet bandwidth.


Check internet connectivity. Resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00084] windows_smbweb::default

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails when performing installing Flexxible IT binaries and Windows features. Following actions could be performed:

  • Internet Information Services installation and requirements
  • Configure Windows Firewall rules configuration
  • WebDeploy and rewrite installation
  • Configure IIS App pool and authentication methods configuration
  • Flexxible|SUITE installation


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00085] Execution of windows_smbweb::xdsnapins

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails when try to install XenDesktop Snapins.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00086] windows_netscaler::default

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00087] windows_netscaler::nsconfig

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00088] windows_netscaler::branding

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00089] Not in use

[FEC00090] windows_hyperv::movesmbwork01

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails when moving Flexxible IT|Orchestrator server from local storage to Storage Spaces Direct volume. Only applies to Full Integration deployments.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00091] windows_hyperv::vms2cluster

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails when creating a clustered virtual machine. This step adds high availability role to all infrastructure VMs.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00092] windows_Flexxible IT::installvdiclientservice or

[FEC00093] windows_Flexxible IT::installvdiclientservice

Symptoms or Error:

Quick Config Setup fails when installing Flexxible IT|VDIClientService on the server.


Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • Error executing action `run` on resource 'powershell_script[gpupdate]'

    STDOUT: Updating policy...

    Computer policy could not be updated successfully. The following errors were encountered:

    The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to read the file \\ad.clecovdi.com\sysvol\ad.clecovdi.com\Policies\{C68D8084-D4DF-47C1-AF1E-C45919233A6E}\gpt.ini from a domain controller and was not successful. Group Policy settings may not be applied until this event is resolved. This issue may be transient and could be caused by one or more of the following:

  • Name Resolution/Network Connectivity to the current domain controller.
  • File Replication Service Latency (a file created on another domain controller has not replicated to the current domain controller).
  • The Distributed File System (DFS) client has been disabled.

    User Policy update has completed successfully.

    To diagnose the failure, review the event log or run GPRESULT /H GPReport.html from the command line to access information about Group Policy results.

  • Error executing action `run` on resource 'powershell_script[Copy files from \\<server_name>.<domain_name>\resources]'

    The automated process cannot copy binaries on the specified resource. Verify that this resource exists and it is available from the network.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00094] windows_nano::enddeployment or windows_nano::startdeployment

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails when reporting start or ending the deployment process.


Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: powershell_script[create_ou_Infrastructure].

        Please, check that provided user account has correct permissions in the base OU and Active Directory is available.

Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00095] Execution of windows_sqlserver::default in primary VM

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to install SQL Server and applying the basic configuration.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00096] Execution of windows_sqlserver::default secondary VM

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to install SQL Server and applying the basic configuration.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00097] Execution of windows_sqlserver::createcluster

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails testing or creating SQL Cluster and applying the basic configuration.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00098] Execution of windows_ctx::storefront

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to install Citrix Storefront and applying the basic configuration.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00099] Execution of windows_ctx::additionalstorefront

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to install Citrix Storefront and applying the basic configuration in an additional server.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00100] Execution of windows_sqlserver::alwayson

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to activate and configuring Always On for SQL cluster.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00101] Execution of windows_update::createupdatestasks

Symptoms or Error:

There was an error creating Windows update scheduled tasks in every machine of deployment.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00102] Execution of windows_ctx::defaultsecondrole

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to install Citrix XenDesktop and requirements to use a hypervisor.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00103] Execution of windows_ctx::xdconfigsecondrole

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails to add second XenDesktop Controller to an existing farm.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00104] Execution of windows_backupsql::maintenanceplans

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails in the creation of SQL maintenance plans on machines with SQL Standard installed.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00105] Execution of windows_backupsql::maintenanceplansexpress

Symptoms or Error:

The Quick Config Setup fails in the creation of SQL maintenance plans on machines with SQL Express installed.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00106] Roll up console installation task cannot removed

Symptoms or Error:

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) Roll Up installation task failed when removed. You can find more information in the scheduled task (InstallRollup) in SCVMM server.


Check that 'InstallRollupConsole' exist on Scheduled tasks. Remove it if exist if not resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support

[FEC00107] Execution of windows_vmware::installvcsa

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error creating vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA).


Review that all DNS registers have been created on your DNS server. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00108] Execution of windows_vmware::installvsan

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error during the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) configuration.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00109] Execution of windows_vmware::adddiskvsan

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error adding the last disk into VMware vSAN Cluster.


Review all disks to discard a disk failure. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00110] Execution of windows_vmware::configurelogs

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error configuring logs partition to the first node of VMware ESXi.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00111] There was an error when accessing to SCVMM

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error when accessing to System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) through port 8100. 


Review that service is running on that virtual machine. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

[FEC00112] There was an error changing root password in node

Symptoms or Error information:

There was an error changing root password in VMware ESXi node.


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support. 

[FEC00113] There was a problem adding the deployment user as administrator in appliance

Symptoms or Error information:

There was a problem adding the deployment user as administrator in appliances. 


Resume deployment. If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.