OS Editions

Editions for automatic deployment

Flexxible|SUITE provides an OS edition catalogue. The system brings pre-created a set of more than 100 editions in Servers and Workstation operating systems.

 Any edition not found in this list must be created before being used.

The OS edition requires the following information:

  • Name: The OS edition desired name.
  • VM Ware Guest ID: This is the guest operating system identifier for VM Ware. You can find the list of OS in the following link.
  • XenServer Guest ID: This is the guest operating system identifier for Xen Server. You can find the list of OS in the following link (pags. 11, 12).
  • Product Key: You must provide the exact product key of your product.
  • OS Edition: Must be the exact edition of the product. 
  • Related OS: You can select it of the predefined OS definitions or define it. If you select a new OS this will display the following modal window  where you can to register the new OS.

  • Name: Description for the new operating system.
  • Version: OS version.
  • Windows Type: Desktop o Server (as appropriated).
  • Architecture: x32 o x64 according to the new system architecture.

You can find information about the OS Edition executing the following script:

$ISOPath = '\\MyStorage\MyISOs\WINDOWS.ISO'
$DriveLetter = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ISOPath -PassThru | Get-Volume | select -ExpandProperty DriveLetter
$WimPath = $DriveLetter+':\sources\install.wim'
$lines = (Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $WimPath | Out-String).Split("`n") | Select-String -Pattern '^Name' -AllMatches
Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ISOPath
[string]$line = ''
foreach($line in $lines){Write-Output $line.Split()[-2]}

This OS Edition definition is used in the OS image register. Please, refer to the OS Images article.