Excluding and managing desktop catalogs

Viewing and excluding desktop catalogs

This functionality allows you to view information on the catalogs used to create desktops. And enables you to exclude them from creation. In case the catalog is corrupt, you can not add desktops.

This article explains how to exclude a catalog.

Viewing the catalogs

VDI OS catalogs are associated with the delivery group (assignment up to VDI OS 2.6.5), which is in turn linked to a virtual desktop template.

Therefore, to view a catalog, you must first access the Virtual Desktop Template containing it and access its delivery group.

Within the delivery group, you will find the Show catalogs button that shows information on each of the catalogs created for this Virtual desktop template.

This button will open a pop-up window where you will be able to see some of the catalog’s information. This information includes its storage, its functional level, and its version, among others.

Excluding a catalog

Once you have opened the catalog list, you can exclude any you want.

To do this, mark the Excluded checkbox and save changes by clicking the “Save changes" button.

Press OK to close the pop-up window and then save the Virtual Desktop Template.