Additional services


In multitenant environments, it is possible to create additional services.

These can be linked to users, tenants, servers, desktop and application template definitions, and VM Models. Additional services generate a mark on these objects to identify them in the billing process. This is very useful when control of consumption is required and provides additional information above that which is provided by the accounting log.

Additional services

The additional services section is available in the Suite Management Section.


This list is editable only for administrator roles. All other roles are readable.

Clicking on New you can define a new additional service.

In the additional service detail, you can set the code, description, and define the scope for each service:

  • Server, if the service applies for servers.
  • Tenant, if the service applies for tenants.
  • Template, if the service applies for templates.
  • VM Model, if the service can by applied to template VM Models, so when creating template from this VM Model, they get automatically associated those additional services.
  • User, if the service applies for users.

The "Has parameter" checkbox makes from the DetailView of assigning the service to the user is visible and also mandatory.

The following services are currently available by default:

  • Docs
  • Mail
  • Office

Assigning services

The assignment of services can be done in the following ways:

In the detail view of objects that support it, an "Additional services" list will display the services assigned to the aobject:

Clicking on the "Manage additional services" button displays a modal window with de available services for the object type. You can select/unselect the desired permissions and clicking on OK the changes will be applied.

For users, from the Tenant detail view, in the "Users" tab, you can select the desired users and click on the manage button you can access the additional services assignment.

This will display the additional services available for users.

To manage the additional services on servers, you must access the detail view and you find a new tab to manage them.

You can manage additional services in templates. In the tenant templates view, you can select the desired templates and apply the additional services.


Also, in the template definition view, the additional services tab shows the assigned services and allows managing them for allowed roles.