

Symptoms or Error

Quick Config Setup was configuring the failover cluster witness (Azure) and configuring the Storage Spaces Direct (S2D). Some actions applied happened during this step:

  • Create Azure witness
  • Create Storage Spaces Direct
  • Create Volume

Deployment fails with one of the following errors (one of them):

  • FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::Reboot: Rebooting server at a recipe's request. Details: {:delay_mins=>1, :reason=>"Restarting the computer after Domain Controller promotion"}

    Reboot request was sent to the server, it was applied but the connection was interrupted before closing the request.

  • Error executing action `installadditionaldc` on resource 'windows_activedirectory_forest[create secondary dc]'

    The following error can appear in the log message:

    Verification of user credential permissions failed. An Active Directory domain controller for the domain <domain_name> could not be contacted.

    Please, check the connectivity between domain controllers and check credentials.

After fixing the error, resume deployment. 

If the error persists, please contact Flexxible IT support.

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