This article introduces and describes the settings available in Flexxible|SUITE. Next, we will detail each parameter by the group it belongs to.
AD Accounts
Key |
Description |
CheckLogonPasswordChange |
[None/sMSA/gMSA/All] Logon user type that must be checked if it's password changes to restart the SUITE services. To apply this setting the services must be restarted. |
DDControllersGroup |
[GroupName] Name of the Active Directory group that includes the computer accounts for the Desktop Delivery Controllers, without the domain. |
TemplateDesignerUserName |
[DOMAIN\UserName] In non-multitenant environments, the user-defined in this setting will be the one who will be given editing permissions via Storefront of the templates managed by Flexxible|SUITE. |
VDIManagerAdminUser |
[DOMAIN\UserOrGroupName] The platform administrator user who will be granted full control permissions over folders shared by tenants using the Storages option within a tenant. |
VDIManagerServicesGroup |
[DOMAIN\GroupName] Name of the Active Directory group including the accounts for every Flexxible|SUITE. |
VDIManagerUsers |
[DOMAIN\GroupName] Name of the Active Directory group including the accounts for every user with access to Flexxible|SUITE web console. |
Key |
Description |
Alert processing interval |
[milliseconds] How often the alerts are evaluated. |
Key |
Description |
EnableAzureHybridBenefit |
[true/false (default)] Indicates if Azure Hybrid Benefit licensing will be used for new VMs. |
VMStorageAccountType |
[Standard_LRS (default) / Premium_LRS] Specifies the Azure storage account SKU type to use for new VM catalogs. |
Client Customization
Key |
Description |
Connection info export interval |
If greater than zero, indicates the frequency in days with which tenant's users connection info is exported. The value can be overridden by the tenant configuration. |
Connection info export path |
[UNCpath] UNC path where the connection info will be exported in CSV format. The account running the VDIWorkerActiveDirectory service must have read and write permissions on this folder |
EnableExternalModules |
[true/false] Show the external modules list in the user detail window. |
FixUnregisteredVMsRemotely |
[true/false] Flexxible|SUITE try to automatically fix unregistered VMs. |
Scheduled desktop restart |
[DayInWeek HH:mm] Day and hour of the scheduled restart in the format. |
Client settings
Key |
Description |
ApplyAntivirusFix |
[true/false] Disable Microsoft essentials real time protection |
AutoCheckQuickSettingTime |
[milliseconds] How often change in Quick settings values are calculated |
AutomaticRebootInterval |
[HH:mm-HH:mm] Set the time interval for the desktops to reboot automatically after 5 days. Example: 02:00-05:00 |
BackupAutoConfig |
[true/false] Configuration mode for Flexxible|backup. When true, the user encription key is autogenerated. |
BackupClientPeriodTime |
[milliseconds] Time elapsed between Flexxible|backup client agent checks for automatic copies needed. |
BackupConfigRefreshExcludedLogin |
For Flexxible|backup defines the pattern for user names that won't get their configuration refreshed until 72h after login. Example: 'domain\adm' would include users 'domain\adm102' and 'domain\admin_ttr'. |
CheckAutomaticRestart |
[true/false] Indicates if the VDIClient service will be automatically restarted periodically. |
CheckCitrixServices |
[true/false] Start all the stopped Citrix services that have automatic start mode. |
CheckICAPerformanceCounters |
[true/false] Try to fix the performance counters if they are brokers. |
ClientListenerUpdateTime |
[milliseconds] How often VDI Client check for messages addressed to that computer. |
EN-LastWarningMessage |
[message] The message showed to the user 5 minutes before the scheduled restart (English). |
EN-RestartMessage |
[message] The message showed to the user with the scheduled restart info (English). |
ES-LastWarningMessage |
[message] Message in Spanish (ES) displayed to the user just before his desktop is restarted as a result of a schedule. |
ES-RestartMessage |
[message] Message in Spanish (ES) displayed to the user when his desktop is going to be restarted as a result of a schedule. |
EventLogFilter |
[WMI filter expression] Expression that VDI Client uses to ignore errors from the event log so they aren't sent to VDI Manager. |
EventLogIdsToRead |
[eventlogIDs] List of event logs ids separated by ';' that is read by VDI Client together with the error and critical events. |
EventLogIdsToReadDomain |
[domains] List of domain names separated by ';' to which the parameter 'EventlogIdsToRead' applies. If the parameter is empty it applies to all the domains. |
FileVersions |
'[Application name]|[Executable path];[Application name]|[Executable path]' List of executable files for which VDI Client will periodically inform the version number to VDI Manager. Example: 'Personal VDisk|%programfiles%\Citrix\personal vDisk\bin\CtxPvD.exe; Calculator|C:\Windows\Calc.exe'. |
FixPerfCounters |
[true/false] Indicates if VDI Client should try to repair broken performance counters. |
ForceReactivateLicense |
[true/false] Indicates if VDI Client tries to activate Windows if not already activated. |
GetBandWidth |
[true/false] Collect bandwidth consumption in the machine. |
GetEventLogs |
[true/false] Collect the event viewer info in the machine. |
GetFileVersions |
[true/false] Collect the versions of the files informed in the setting . |
GetGlobalCPUConsumption |
[true/false] Collect the global CPU consumption in the machine. |
GetGlobalRAMConsumption |
[true/false] Collect the global consumption RAM in the machine. |
GetHardDiskUsage |
[true/false] Calculate the Hard disk usage in the machine. |
GetLastWindowsUpdateDate |
[true/false] Send the last windows update date to VDIOS. |
GetPingTime |
[true/false] Activate ping to [IP or dnsname] destination. |
GetPrinterJobs |
[true/false] Collect the print queue info of the printers in the machine. |
GetServices |
[true/false] Collect the info of all the services in the machine. |
GetSessionLatency |
[true/false] Collect the latency of the active sessions in the machine. |
GetSessionProcesses |
[true/false] Collect the processes info of the active sessions in the machine. |
GetUserLogonInfoSend |
[true/false] Set user log on info send activation. |
GetUserProfiles |
[true/false] Activate collection of user profile storage use. |
GetVDIClientTotals |
[true/false] Send the information collected by VDIClient to VDIOS to be shown by VDIManager. |
KillWindowsClassNamesOnStart |
[WindowsClassNames] A comma-separated list of windows class names that will be closed automatically for 30 seconds when the VDI Client starts. |
LastWarningMessage |
[message] Message showed to the user 5 minutes before the scheduled restart (Spanish). |
LogPerfCounterErrors |
[true/false] Log errors derived from performance counters corruption problems. |
MassiveRemoteScriptPath |
[path] Path of the PowerShell script that will be executed massively by VDIClientService. |
MassiveRemoteScriptRecurrenceTime |
[minutes] Recurrence minutes of the PowerShell script that will be executed massively by VDIClientService. |
MinHoursForErrorLogRepeat |
[hours] Minimum hours before logging again the same error in the same method. |
PingDestination |
[IP/DNS name] Set the destination to ping. |
PingInterval |
[minutes] Number of minutes between pings to the defined 'PingDestination' setting. |
PollingInterval |
[milliseconds] How often VDI Client evaluates CPU, RAM, processes, etc. |
ProductName |
[productname] Set the desktop product name. |
ReadOfficeLicenseStatus |
[true/false] Check the office license status and save it as a windows event. |
ReportInstalledAppsInterval |
Frequency in minutes for VDIClient to report to VDI OS the list of installed Apps in the VM. |
ReportProblemUrl |
[Empty/Disabled/URL] When informed, the value indicates the URL of the external tool to report problems. If empty, the Flexxible|SUITE VDI Client form is displayed. The value 'Disabled' hides the 'Report problem' menu option. |
RequestVMInfoInterval |
[minutes] Frequency in minutes for VDIClient to request updated info about the VM. |
RestartMessage |
[message] The message showed to the user with the scheduled restart info (Spanish). |
ShowSplashBackground |
[true/false] Show a custom image as the screen background while loading. |
SplashLogo |
[UNCpath] Path to the 'Splash-LogoClient.png' file, which contains the logo to show when VDI Client starts. |
UserProfileStorageUseMinutes |
[minutes] How often the user profile storage use is calculated. A zero or empty value indicates that the amount of storage is not calculated, rather just the paths configured for users are collected. |
VDIClientDataLocalFolder |
[path] Folder path where the VDIClient service generates the VDIClientData.xml file used to send status to the VDIClient UI. Accepts values from the Environment.SpecialFolder enum. Examples: 'C:\temp' or 'Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData\Flexxible'. |
VDIClientForcedUICulture |
[IETF language tag] Language or culture code to use in VDI Client regardless of the Windows culture. Empty to use the Windows language. |
VirtualMachineViewerPath |
[path] Path to the Virtual Machine Manager Viewer. |
Deployment Options
Key |
Description |
ForceVLANId |
[true/false] Set subnet/VLAN after creating VMs using a shared template. |
Key |
Description |
FailedTemplateUpgradeNotifyTo |
[emails] A comma-separated list of email addresses to notify when an upgrade/downgrade template fails. |
HA_AlertRecipientTo |
[email] A comma-separated list of email addresses to notify high availability events. |
MailTo |
Email address to notify repetitive attempts to connect in Web Interface by clicking a desktop icon |
NotifyNewTicketTo |
Comma separated list of email addresses to notify when a new ticket is created |
SMTP_EnableSSL |
[true/false] Use SSL for SMTP server communication. Note: new values may last for some minutes to be applied. |
SMTP_From |
Sender email address for email alerts and notifications. Note: new values may last for some minutes to be applied. |
SMTP_From_DisplayName |
Sender display name for email alerts and notifications. Note: new values may last for some minutes to be applied. |
SMTP_Password |
Password for SMTP server authentication. Note: new values may last for some minutes to be applied. |
SMTP_Port |
Port number for SMTP server communication. Note: new values may last for some minutes to be applied. |
SMTP_Server |
Name of the SMTP server used to send emails for alerts or notifications. Example: Note: new values may last for some minutes to be applied. |
SMTP_Subject_tag |
Customer identification prefix for email alerts and notifications. Example [INT2-BCN] |
SMTP_User |
User name for SMTP server authentication. Note: new values may last for some minutes to be applied. |
General Options
Key |
Description |
Default VDTType |
[NonPersistent / Persistent / Customizable / FullClone] Default type for new VDTs. |
Show complete process name |
[true / false] Indicates whether the Running applications list within a desktop or app server shows the title of the application (it may contain private information) or its name. |
Other settings
Key |
Description |
ApplianceDiskThresholdCritical |
[an integer from 0 to 100] Sets the threshold (in percentage) to activate the low storage critical alert. |
ApplianceDiskThresholdWarning |
[an integer from 0 to 100] Sets the threshold (in percentage) to activate the low storage warning alert. |
CheckUpdateInterval |
[minutes] Number of minutes between update checks. |
ControlPanelURL |
[url] URL for the SWS control panel. |
LoginPIPass |
[password] Password for Login PI Dashboard |
LoginPIURL |
[url] URL for Login PI Dashboard (Ex. http:\loginpiserver:8080) |
LoginPIUser |
[username] Username for Login PI Dashboard |
PVSSnapInPath |
[path] Path to the PVS PowerShell module. |
SyncInfrastructreInterval |
Sets how often the synchronize infrastructure job runs (in minutes). Values under 10 min are ignored. |
UpdateInterval |
[HH:mm-HH:mm] Valid daily time range to apply updates. Example: 02:00-05:00 (UTC). Please refer to the |
UpdatesRepositoryConnectionString |
[connectionString] A connection string to an Azure repository, or a UNC path to a network repository containing version updates. |
UpdatesRepositoryContainer |
[containerName] The container name if the UpdatesRepositoryConnectionString is an Azure repository |
VDIMode |
[ServiceProvider|Enterprise|SMB] ServiceProvider=Flexxible|Suite Platinum Multitenant, Enterprise= Flexxible|Suite Platinum, SMB=Flexxible|Suite Enterprise |
VMMModulePath |
[path] Path to the Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2 PowerShell module in worker VCC roles. |
VMMModulePath_2016 |
[path] Path to the Virtual Machine Manager 2016 PowerShell module in worker VCC roles. |
VMMModulePath_2019 |
[path] Path to the Virtual Machine Manager 2019 PowerShell module in worker VCC roles. |
VMMTypeFilePath |
[path] Path to the PowerShell types file. |
XenServerModulePath_71 |
[UNCpath] Local path to the XenServer PowerShell module. UNC paths are not supported. Default value: C:\Program Files\Citrix\PowerShellModules\XenServer\XenServerPSModule\XenServerPowerShell.dll |
XenServerXEPath |
[path] Path to the XenServer's xe.exe tool. Default value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe |
XPOProvider |
[providerName] Use this settings to specify a custom provider to access database. |
VDI Client
Key |
Description |
Current client refresh time |
[seconds] Indicates how many seconds the VDIClient sends the consumption information to the SUITE. |
VDI Manager
Key |
Description |
ADObjectLightSynchronization |
[true/false] Indicates if Active Directory synchronization involves only domain objects used by Flexxible|SUITE (true) or all domain objects (false) |
ADObjectLiveMode |
[All, Administrators, None] Indicates what users will be able to search AD Objects directly through Active Directory (All, Administrators) or that all AD Object searches will be done on the Flexxible|SUITE database (None) |
AutomaticAutoupdater |
[true/false] Indicates wether Flexxible|SUITE new versions are applied automatically when they are found (true) or an administrator approval is required (false). |
BrokerFarmParallelSync |
[None/API/DBQuery/All] Defines if broker farms information about users, VMs, sessions, status, etc. can be synchronized in parallel (more resources needed for VCC worker roles) or one after the other depending on the synchronization method. Possible values are: 'None' (default), 'API' (farms with no database access), 'DBQuery' (farms with databse access), 'All'. |
CancelSessionKeepAlive |
[true/false] when true prevents the browser to periodically reload the page |
CheckCitrixLicenseServerStatus |
[true/false] Indicates if the health checker periodically verifies the status of each brorker farm's Citrix license server. |
ClusterMinCPUFreeForVMPlacement |
[%] Minimum % of CPU resources free for a cluster to be considered for hosting new VMs. |
ClusterMinFreeSlotsForVMPlacement |
[an integer] Minimum free slots for desktops available for a cluster to be considered for hosting new templates. |
ClusterMinHDGBFreeForVMPlacement |
[GB] Minimum amount of storage available (in GB) for a cluster to be considered for hosting new VMs. |
ClusterMinRAMMBFreeForVMPlacement |
[MB] Minimum amount of RAM (in MB) free for a cluster to be considered for hosting new VMs. |
ControllerMachineName |
[FQDN] FQDN of the Xendesktop 5.6 main controller (DDC) |
CrossTenantUserVisibilty |
[true/false] Indicates if domain users and groups are visible for all tenants (true) or only for the tenant they belong to (false) |
CtxGroupPolicyModulePath |
[path] Local path in the broker farm nodes to the Citrix Group Policy commands module. UNC paths are not allowed. |
DashboardPlatformVisibility |
[All/Administrators/None] The roles that can access the "Dashboard - Platform" menu. |
DashboardUXVisibility |
[All/Administrators/None] The roles that can access the "Dashboard - UX" menu. |
DefaultApplicationServersPath |
[path] Default application server templates path for new appliances |
DefaultConfigurationScriptInstallersPath |
[ResourcesPath/UNCPath/VirtualDisk] Path to the configuration script installers or to the virtual disk (vhd, vhdx or vmdk) that contains the installers. |
DefaultConfigurationScriptInstallersPathType |
[ResourcesPath/UNCPath/VirtualDisk] UNCPath/VirtualDisk] Type of path configured in the setting "DefaultConfigurationScriptInstallersPath". |
DefaultServersPath |
[path] Default servers path for new appliances. |
DefaultTemplatesPath |
[path] Default templates path for new appliances. |
DefaultTenantResourcesRootPath |
[UNCpath] Default UNC path to store resources for new tenants. |
DeletedDifferencingCopy |
[true/false] move differencing files to the deleted folder or just simulate |
DeletedDifferencingDeleteDays |
[days] Number of days to keep the copy of deleted differential disks (-1 = forever) |
DeletedDifferencingDiskPath |
[UNCpath] UNC path to copy deleted differencing disks for desktops. |
DeletedDifferencingHostingUnit |
[HostingUnit] A semicolon-separated list of hosting unit's storage names to search for unused differencing disks (empty = all). |
DeletedDifferencingTimeRange |
[HH:mm] Hourly interval in which deleting unused differencing disks is enabled. Example: 23-6 (from 23h to 6h next day) |
DeletedUserProfileDataAction |
[None / DeleteWithBackup / Delete] Indicates the action to apply to the profile data (documents, Office & Windows search profiles, redirected folders) when permanently deleting a tenant user. |
DeleteVMsAfterFailedCreation |
[true/false] Indicates if a new template or server should be deleted when its creation fails. |
DeploymentOverridesVisibility |
[All/Administrators/None] Indicates who is able to modify the deployment overrides in a VDT or ASF |
DesktopStatisticsInterval |
[milliseconds] How often desktop statistics are calculated |
DisplayThumbnails |
[true/false] Indicates if screen miniatures are displayed for Hyper-V hosted VMs in detail views. |
EditADConfiguration |
[None/All/OnlyNoMultitenant] Enable edition of OUS and GROUPS for Tenant. |
EmptyCatalogRetentionDays |
[days] Number of days before an empty catalog is automatically deleted to preserve storage. 0 days means that the empty catalogs are not automatically deleted. |
EnableAutoRefresh |
[true/false] Enable auto-refresh of grids and charts. |
EnableFlexxibleApps |
[true/false] Enable the Apps menu option and related tabs. |
EnableScheduledDesktopRestart |
[true/false] enabled scheduled desktop restart feature |
ForceCheckADAccount |
[true/false] Always wait for computer account visibility when creating new VMs |
FsrmQuotaThresholdBody |
[text] Plain text body for the email notification when storage quota is exceeded. You can include the following placeholders: [Source Io Owner] = user. [Quota Threshold] = threshold percentage. [Quota Path] = path to storage. [Server] = server name. [Quota Limit] = current quota límit. [Quota Used] current quota usage. [Quota Used Percent] quota currently used as percentage of quota limit. %QUOTAUNIT% = quota unit defined for the tenant (default is GB) Example: User [Source Io Owner] has exceed the [Quota Threshold]% quota threshold for quota on [Quota Path] on server [Server]. The quota limit is [Quota Limit] %QUOTAUNIT% and the current usage is [Quota Used] %QUOTAUNIT% ([Quota Used Percent]% of limit). |
FsrmQuotaThresholdSubject |
[text] Subject for the email notification when storage quota is exceeded. You can include the following placeholders: [Quota Threshold] = quota percentage. (Example: '[Quota Threshold]% quota threshold exceeded'). |
FTPConfigPath |
[UNCpath] UNC path to the 'FileZilla Server.xml' file used for network scanners (e. g. \\ABC-FS01\c$\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\FileZilla Server.xml). |
HAReferenceClusterRoleName |
[rolename] Role name to monitor in the Windows Failover Cluster of the computer specified by the 'HAReferenceVMMNode' setting. If the computer is the owner of the role, the services in the computer become active. |
HAReferenceVMMNode |
[FQDN] FQDN of the VMM cluster node monitored to determine if a service instances are active in a given computer |
HealthCheckerSNMP |
Semicolon separated list of SNMP listeners that the Health checker process notifies. Format: FQDN_or_IP_address[:TCP_ port]. The default port if not specified is 162. Example:; |
HistoryDataBaseConnectionString |
[connectionString] Connection string pointing to the history database. If empty, the VDIManager database connection string is assumed. |
LocalFTPDestination |
[path] Local path to the computer hosting FileZilla where the files recived from network scanners will be copied (e. g. C:\Networkscan). |
LocalFTPSource |
[UNCpath] UNC path to the folder where the files recived from network scanners will be copied (e. g. \\\c$\NetworkScan\). |
MaxAppServersRAM |
[GB] Maximum GB of RAM allowed when setting memory for app servers. 0 means no limit. |
MaxDesktopsRAM |
[GB] Maximum GB of RAM allowed when setting memory for desktops and servers. 0 means no limit. |
MaxParallelDesktopOperations |
[an integer] Defines the maximum parallel number of desktop operations (power actions, ...). To apply this change is necessary to restart the Desktop operations service through the VCC Roles Overview menu option. |
MaxParallelVMDiscovery |
[an integer] Defines the maximum parallel number of new VM discovery operations. |
MaxServersRAM |
[GB] Maximum GB of RAM allowed when setting memory for servers. 0 means no limit. |
NextTenantCode |
The exactly 3 digit code to use for the next new tenant or partner. Valid digits are 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789' being the first digit a letter. An invalid value will cause the setting to be ignored. |
QueueMsgDirectMaxThreads |
[positive integer] The maximum number of threads allowed to the Queue services to process messages without persisting to the database. Changing this value requires service instances to be restarted. |
QueueMsgDirectProcessing |
[true/false] Indicates whether queue messages received by the Queue service are processed without persisting them to the database. |
QueueMsgForcePersistOverCPUPercent |
[an integer from 0 to 100] Percentage of CPU usage over which every queue message received by the Queue service is persisted to database for deferred processing. |
QueueMsgForcePersistOverRAMPercent |
[an integer from 0 to 100] Percentage of RAM usage over which every queue message received by the Queue service is persisted to database for deferred processing. |
RefreshApplianceVMsInterval |
[milliseconds] How often the Appliance in which a VM is running (Live migration in a Windows cluster) is updated. |
ShowAutogrowthForDesktops |
[true/false] Show the autogrowth options for Desktops delivery groups. |
ShowLogInVideo |
[true/false] Enable/disable the background video in the log in screen. |
SyncDesktopsFromXDInterval |
[milliseconds] How often the desktops status is synchronized from XenDesktop |
TenantFTPServerName |
[FQDN] FQDN of the Internet Information Server hosting FTP site where tenant folders will be created (e. g. ABC-FS01.ENV213DOM.local). |
TenantFTPSiteName |
[ftp] Name of the FTP site where tenant folders will be created (e. g. |
TenantMailIsMandatory |
[true/false] Inidcates if the tenant mail must be filled to be able to save the tenant |
TenantNASDriveLetter |
[char] Drive letter (without ending colon) to be assigned to tenant’s Storage path to create tenant’s NAS (e. g. N). Set thru ‘Map network drive Users’ GPO already existing for the tenant. |
ThresholdCPUCritical |
[an integer from 0 to 100] Show column CPU red color while the value of CPU is over threshold. |
ThresholdCPUWarning |
[an integer from 0 to 100] Show column CPU yellow color while the value of CPU is over threshold. |
ThresholdLatencyCritical |
[milliseconds] Show column latency red color while the value of latency is over threshold. |
ThresholdLatencyWarning |
[milliseconds] Show column latency yellow color while the value of latency is over threshold. |
ThresholdRAMCritical |
[MB] Show column RAM red color while the value of RAM is over threshold . |
ThresholdRAMWarning |
[MB] Show column RAM yellow color while the value of RAM is over threshold . |
UpgradeDowngradeTimeoutMinutes |
[minutes] Num minutes to wait before mark an upgrade or downgrade job as error |
VMsAutoProvisioningForUsers |
[true/false] Indicates if when a template is assgined to a user, a desktop is automatically created in the tenant template VDT |
VMTempDisksPath |
[path] Path to a folder where temporary files will be stored when creating templates or servers, or exporting surrogates to a secondary VM Manager. The folder shouldn't be under DFSR. |
WebConsoleAuthentication |
Specifies which authentication method to use when accessing the web console. Valid values are 'Forms' and 'Integrated'. Forms authentication always displays a login form to request the user name and password. Integrated authentication uses the identity of the interactive user in the session where the browser is opened, or requests for credentials if that user is not registered in Flexxible|SUITE. |
Assigning a per machine values for settings
The "Computer name" column in the settings list indicates if the setting value is specific for a single computer, or for any computer (when empty).
You can create a new setting by using the "New" button in this list and use an existing setting key but indicate the NETBIOS name of a specific computer and a specific value.
Computers that doesn't have a specific entry for a setting will use the general setting value (the setting with the "ComputerName" empty).