How to edit a template

Using Flexxible|Suite Template Manager


Before start editing a template, please verify:

  • the selected Flexxible|SUITE user to edit it has the necessary access authorisation level, to start a new user session on it.
  • the template status, as this states whether you can access to it or not. It should be "In Edition".

Check the user permissions

This action is necessary for environments "Enterprise" and "MultiTenant". In "Platinum" environments, you need to use the "Template Designer" user provided in the deployment.

On the "Users" tab of the selected tenant or on "My Company" section, you should select the user for editing the template. Once selected, a pop-up window will show the user properties:

In case the user hasn't the template edition option enabled just:

  1. Mark the checkbox "Allow Edit Templates" in the "User Details" screen.
  2. Click on the "OK" button.
  3. Click on "Save" in the "My Company" section.

Check the template status

On the "Templates" tab in the "My Company" section you may find the list of available templates:

A template may usually be in one of these two functional statuses:

  1. "In Edition". This virtual machine is started up and accessible for changes.
  2. "Ready for Deploy". It's shut down and therefore not accessible, and the template version counter has been increased.

Additionally, there are two other template statuses:

  1. "Synchronizing", when the template is synchronizing changes in order to go from one status to another.
  2. "Error", when the process has thrown an error.

Setting the template to "In Edition"

If the template is not in "In Edition" status, it's necessary to change the status to edit it. Select a template in the list and click on it, to access to its details screen (modal window). In this screen, the user can press the "Set in Edition" button.

  1. Select the template to edit.
  2. Click on the "Set In Edition" button.
  3. Click on the "OK" button.

A status change job is created and a few seconds later on the template will be editable. Click in the "Notification" button (displayed as a bell icon) in the top of the page, to see the simplified list of Jobs.

In "Flexxible|Enterprise" this action must be performed in the sections "Desktop Template Definition" or "Application Template Definition" sections.

At that moment the template can be accessed via web access or Citrix Receiver. When the template edition is completed, it can be set to "Ready for Deploy" status. Then it'll be possible to deploy desktops in a new version or upgrading existing desktops to this new version (if they are non-persistent).

Once the template edition is completed, its status must be changed to "Ready for Deploy", in order to this new version is deployed on new desktops.