
The Report section is an easy way to export the assessment data from the web console into excel format. Simply click the "Export" button and then specify where you want to save the file. 

The data is split up into five different tabs within the excel file. 

  • Summary: An overall summary of the total Users, total Endpoints, most used OS, and the application inventory
  • User list: Made up of the username, domain, session count, apps count, and the last time the user reported
  • Endpoint List: Made up of the computer name, last user, total sessions, and last report. 
  • Endpoint OS List: Made up of the operating system and the count included in the individual environment. 
  • Application Inventory: Made up of the application name, notes, discarded, cloud sensitive, category, importance, fixed importance, sessions, user count, average RAM (MB), peak RAM (MB).
  • One time users: Made up of usernames, domain, IP, endpoint, and the date of the last report
  • Dormant users: Made up of usernames, domain, IP, endpoint, and the date of the last report 
  • App Assignment: Defines per app the category, importance, user count, and which apps have been used by individual users

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