Apps Dasboard

Apps dashboard is where Apps2Digital displays information about the applications running in your environment.  Apps2Digital does not display the applications that are installed on a machine but rather what is being used.  In addition to gathering a list of applications Apps2Digital sorts the applications into prioritized lists. 

  • Critical
  • Necessary
  • Departmental

This priority is based on how broadly the application is used across the environment. 

Apps Dashboard

You will see the following information when you click on the Dashboard option

  1. Number of Endpoints
  2. Number of Critical Applications
  3. Number of Necessary Applications
  4. Number of Departmental Applications
  5. Quick List view of Critical Applications
  6. Quick List view of Necessary Applications
  7. Quick List view of Departmental Applications

Aggregated RAM by hour

This graph shows they aggregate RAM by hour for each of the three app prioritization categories. Here you can easily see the total aggregate amount of RAM being used by a particular prioritization category across your environment.

Endpoint OS and Average RAM Consumption by app

Here you can see a quick chart on the operating systems being used in your environment and also the average RAM consumption per application.

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